Michael Wallraff ZT GmbH, Fritz-Hahn-Gasse 3/13, A-1100 Vienna, P +43 1 585 75 80, office@wallraff.at, Imprint, Privacy policy
Client/Awarding authority: mumok - Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation Vienna
Client/Awarding authority: MUMOK - Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation Vienna
Project partner: Heimo Zobernig
Room acoustics: Dr Pfeiler ZT GmbH
Analogue film technology: Wolfgang Konrad
AV technology: Michael Krupica
Employee: René Waclavicek
mumok cinema
Permanent cinema and event hall
Renovation of the mumok - Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation Vienna:
The new mumok kino will be presenting the various links between visual art and film as extensively as possible, showing the great importance that moving images had for modernist art production in the 1960s and 1970s and continues to have, especially for present-day developments in the visual arts. The newly-built cinema and function room provides the ideal cinematographic prerequisites for all moving image formats from DVD through double projection to 35mm film. In its double function as cinema and auditorium it is ideally suited for discussion events about forms of filmic expression in the context of the visual arts.
The cinema is characterised by a grandstand-like structure that divides the original exhibition space into two complementary units. While on one side there is a black box with cinema seating (for 110 people) and a special projection screen, the installation on the other side forms an open white space that can be used for performances, discussions and presentations or alternatively as a foyer and bar.