Michael Wallraff ZT GmbH, Fritz-Hahn-Gasse 3/13, A-1100 Vienna, P +43 1 585 75 80, office@wallraff.at, Imprint, Privacy policy
Project partner: Bollinger-Grohmann-Schneider ZT GmbH
Architecture: René Waclavicek, Sophie Panzer
Structural engineering: Arne Hofmann, Moritz Heimrath
Verticity Kowloon, Hongkong
Super-Dense Residential Cities
VertiCity is a high-rise prototype designed to enhance spatial diversification and improve the quality of life in rapidly growing, super-dense residential cities. Porous vertical structures, densely interwoven with diverse open spaces and buffer zones, provide room for intimacy and recreation as well as for neighborly encounters and unplanned communication in large cities.
The aim of the research project was to develop parametric design methods to optimize complex urban structures. The study focused on generating differentiated open spaces and vertically structured public spaces.